Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tool #3

There is an excellent site I use for my students since most have special needs.  The website is tarheel reader and they have lots of books that I use and build a language rich activity around.  I think I accomplished and compelted tool #3.  I have added a you tube video for an app for speech therapy that I ike.  Not real sure what I learned about copyright.  I don't have to pay to post it in a flip chart for my students since I am using it for teaching purposes?  I hope??

1 comment:

  1. No, you don't have to pay for copyright if you are using the Video in a face to face teaching situation. Sticking a Disney DVD or video in the player and letting it run while one grades papers or works on lesson plans is a violation. Videos aren't supposed to be used for babysitting! Esp. Disney videos.
