Monday, July 25, 2011

Tool #11

My favorite tools in my personal technology toolbox are animoto, wall wisher, google docs, Ipad, itouch, and many more.  I plan on using animoto with some of my younger students and creating a video of our actions.  Then while watching the video I can elicite making sentences to describe the actions.  I have transformed my thinking about the learning that will take place in my speech room by using more technology.  My vision for my classroom has changed in that I hope to create stations where kids can practice better speech using technology and I can work with more students at one time.   The only thing that surprised me is that I am not in the atomic learning database so I can't login to take the assessment.  Hopefully I can be added so I can get credit for this soon. lol
I was able to get in!!!!!  I'm DONE!!!!  WEEEEE-HAAAAAAA!!!