Tuesday, July 26, 2011


We are headed to the zoo today to see the new 4D movie for free!!  Free to members till Thursday.  I am dreading going back to work.  I have enjoyed playing with my kids this summer!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Tool #11

My favorite tools in my personal technology toolbox are animoto, wall wisher, google docs, Ipad, itouch, and many more.  I plan on using animoto with some of my younger students and creating a video of our actions.  Then while watching the video I can elicite making sentences to describe the actions.  I have transformed my thinking about the learning that will take place in my speech room by using more technology.  My vision for my classroom has changed in that I hope to create stations where kids can practice better speech using technology and I can work with more students at one time.   The only thing that surprised me is that I am not in the atomic learning database so I can't login to take the assessment.  Hopefully I can be added so I can get credit for this soon. lol
I was able to get in!!!!!  I'm DONE!!!!  WEEEEE-HAAAAAAA!!!

Tool #10

Digital Citizenship

Three things I would want to make sure my students understand about being good digital citizens is online safety and security, digital etiquette and digital rights and responsibilities. One of the resources mentioned on the Ed Tech website that I plan to use instructionally is the digital citizenship from Brain Pop. I would "teach" the idea of digital citizenship to my students by watching the digital ettiquette video and then discussing what we saw. We can complete the activity and quiz available on Brain Pop. Plus, practicing digital ettiquette by instant messaging or email each other. Also, even showing some bad examples so students are clear. I would share the idea of digital citizenship with my student's parents by having the children explain to their parents what it is and having a homework activity they can do together.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Tool #9

Incorporating Classroom-Based Devices as Tools for Learning

I think it is important to tie the technology to the objective because it hold a child's interest and uses more than one modality in learning. We should hold students accountable for the stations/centers because they become more responsible and learn more along the way. 

I visited the following interactive websites for my content/grade level: learning games for kids, thinkfinity, and TES iboard. I liked them all. I could use them in stations with a speech group therapy so that I could work with one student individually and rotate students through stations. I can hold the students accountable for their time in these stations by individually working with them and taking data to see if improvement has occurred in the skill they are practicing in speech.

I found the following apps for the iPod Touch/iPad that I can use in speech therapy: Milo's verbs, Milo's prepositions, Pocket SLP, and many more...... I don't see using the see iPod Touch/iPad as a station but rather a tool in helping a student practice a sound for example in front of me while I chart correct vs. incorrect. There are many speech apps related to articulation for example that don't replace me the SLP, but rather help me collect data while a student practices his sound or shows the correct tongue placement using an actual person or a picture or video. The app has numerous articulation probes for all the sounds. In this case, the students see the charting in a percentage and always strive for 100%. None of these apps are SBISD approved and they cost money. Unfortunately the speech apps are not free!

I can see my students using the iPod Touch/iPad as a station with a partner. Where they help each other practice and chart each other's correct vs incorrect responses. Peer pressure always is a useful tool to help one improve or try harder. It becomes a competition of who can say their sound better.

Tool #8

Taking a Look at the Tools

Unfortunately, I will not have any devices through the "11 tools" in my speech therapy classroom this fall. Apparently, I am not considered a classroom teacher for technology purposes. I am sad because there are numerous apps to help enhance speech therapy for the itouch and ipad. Also, numerous websites that have speech therapy applications and tools for students to practice their speech while on a netbook or any computer for that matter. Before I began the 11 tools I requested that the special education department look into purchasing an ipad for the Housman speech pathologist. I was denied, but encouraged to take the 11 tools so I would know what "the expectations of the teachers are" even though there is no reward for me or my students while in speech therapy. Fortunately for the students at Housman who receive speech therapy, I have my own itunes account and this past year used my iphone religiously with tools to help me and my students. I plan on purchasing my own ipad2. I am not sure if I will want to use it with the students since it is my own personal one, but more than likely I will. MaryLou if you are reading this, can you guess what is on my wish list????

If I get an ipad or and itouch, Iplan to manage the device(s) in speech therapy by setting up a work station with an application that a student can use for practicing whatever skill it is they are learning. For example, I have an awesome app for students who need help with putting things into groups or categorinzing. A fun way to practice, and it keeps a percentage for me so I can see how well the student did. Some of the apps I use may be helpful for the younger grades.

Tool #7

Reaching Outside your Classroom: Online Digital Projects

Content objective: To find other kids who stutter in other schools.
When you plan to implement: This upcoming school year.
What tool(s) you plan to use: Skype, Wallwisher, and Poll Everywhere
A brief description of the project (plan - two or three sentences): I plan to have students who stutter communicate regarding their fears, thoughts, and strategies that work for fluent speech with other. Mainly, getting to know another stutterer and know that you are not alone.
Who with: Other SLP's who willing to get the project going with me.

I hope it works and if not, at least we will have fun trying!

ABCya! Word Clouds for Kids!

ABCya! Word Clouds for Kids!

Tool #6

I chose polleverywhere and wallwisher to learn more about. I created a sample of each and posted to my blog. I could poll my students about many things that would happen in speech therapy or even poll other SLP's. I like the wallwisher, I made a bulletinboard to ask for feedback from you all on how speech went this past year. Any comments? Complaints? I enjoyed both and will find a way to use it in speech with my students.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tool #5

I played around with abcya.  I typed in words and sentences and created cute pages.  I think my articulation kids would love this because they can type in all their practice words and make a practice sheet for homework.  Pretty neat!!

Tool #4

I reviewed a document that my lead SLP shared with me.  I added a comment on it.  I made a new docment and sent it to a few people.  This will actually be helpful when I am having to write a report with another assessment person or when I am creating an activity for students with another person.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tool #3

There is an excellent site I use for my students since most have special needs.  The website is tarheel reader and they have lots of books that I use and build a language rich activity around.  I think I accomplished and compelted tool #3.  I have added a you tube video for an app for speech therapy that I ike.  Not real sure what I learned about copyright.  I don't have to pay to post it in a flip chart for my students since I am using it for teaching purposes?  I hope??

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tool #2

Well I finally visited 5 blogs of my fellow Housmanites and made comments to their posts. I also did a google search for speech therapy blogs and found 20 popular ones.  I enjoyed reading them and became a follower of a few.  I have them listed on my blog as the blogs I follow.   I haven't signed up for a Diigo account or Google Reader but I hope to do that soon.
Now its off to shopping and the pool afterwards.  Till next time......

Monday, June 13, 2011